Dr Stephanie Grehl


Many years of experience in the field of psychosocial work, research and industry.


Doctor of Neuroscience (PhD)

UPMC, Paris, France

Study of Psychology and Neuroscience (BSc, MSc)

UM, Maastricht, Netherlands


Systemic Consultant (Systemischer Berater)

KIB, Cologne

Practitioner for psychotherapy

Admission health office, Cologne

Practical experience

Freelance neuropsychologist

Psychological counselling, coaching, therapy, seminars and supervision

Psychologist in outpatient assisted living

Socio-psychological support for people with mental disorders

Project manager in the IT sector

Project manager for energy management software development for large industrial customers

Teaching assistant

Courses psychology

Research Assistant

Various neuro-scientific research projects, with the focus on perception and magnetic stimulation

Clinical Research Assistant

Focus on anxiety disorders

Voluntary work psychological emergency hotline

Psychological crisis intervention

For further details, please also find me on linkedIn